'Doctorave' a Complete Doctor - Patient App
- 1 minNow Doctors don’t have to write all the patients visiting and Appointment records on Paper, We are providing the Complete solution in which Doctors can add Records in just few clicks and it will automatically sync to Firebase, And patients dont have to worry about getting appointment, they can easily get one in just few clicks. Link
Email Verification for Doctors.
Phone Verification for Patients.
- Doctors can add Patients Records:
- Local Storage using SQlite.
- This Local data will automatically sync to Server( Firebase ), when connect to internet.
Click the picture of Patient, so there will be no confusion with patient Records.
- Updation of Entries:
- Patient Enteries can be updated and deleted after adding to Database.
- Appointments:
- Doctors can see their all appointments that he got till that time, with all the information i.e time when a appointment is booked and what’s the name of patient.
- Patient also can see their all Appointments with the doctors and can easily delete those.
Patient will see all the Doctors registered with us, and has a Verified Account.
Patient can see all the Information of doctor and also can book a Appointment with the Doctor with a few clicks.
Provided a Search bar, so Doctors can easily search patient with his/her Name.
- Provided a Search bar, so Patient can search about Specific Hospital with Hospital Name.
Note: Private chat room and In-App payment features coming soon.