![iMoneh Grocery Shopping](../assets/images/imoneh_im.png)
iMoneh Grocery Shopping
- 1 minA E-commerce App, intuitive UI/UX for end user. See Listing of vendors and order grocery on the go.Link
Tools and Technoligies used by me :
- Android App:
- Kotlin: To make use of kotlin new features like Null Safety, etc..
- Prototype to covert design into working app.
- Android SDK: To make Android App Functional.
- Libraries: Retrofit, Material Design, Crashlytics.
- Architecture: MVP
- Server:
- Node.JS: Pick Node.JS over PHP because of it’s async nature and better performance.
- Database: MySQL/MariaDB
- Architecture: MVP
- Dependency Injection
- Admin Dashboard: Html, Css, Jquery, EJS(Server side rendering Engine)
- AWS: S3
- Email Server
- FCM: For Push Notification